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Article title
Overview of Big Bend geologic history and paleoenvironments
Paleozoic era
Late Cretaceous system
Paleogene system
Neogene system
Geologic formations within Big Bend National Park: a primer
Paleozoic Era
Maravillas Chert ()
Caballos Novaculite ()
Tesnus Formation ()
Mesozoic Era - Lower Cretaceous (Comanchian Series)
Glen Rose Limestone ()
Telephone Canyon Formation ()
Del Carmen Limestone ()
Sue Peaks Formation ()
Santa Elena Limestone ()
Del Rio Clay ()
Buda Limestone ()
Mesozoic Era - Upper Cretaceous (Gulfian Series)
Boquillas Formation ()
Pen Formation ()
Aguja Formation ()
Javelina Formation ()
Black Peaks Formation () - Cretaceous interval
Cenozoic Era - Paleogene (Paleocene Series)
Black Peaks Formation () - Paleogene interval
Cenozoic Era - Paleogene (Eocene Series)
Hannold Hill Formation ()
Canoe Formation ()
Cenozoic Era - Paleogene Period (Late Eocene and Oligocene Series)
Chisos Formation ()
South Rim Formation and "Burro Mesa" Formation (; , respectively)
Neogene (Miocene Series)
Delaho Formation ()
Banta Shut-In formation (informally proposed by )
Neogene (Pliocene - Pleistocene series)
Fingers and Estufa Canyon formations (informally named by )
Pleistocene terrace deposits and grottos
Fossil taxonomic lists: methods
Fossil plants (Table )
Invertebrate fossils (Table )
Vertebrate fossils (Table )
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