Research Article |
Corresponding author: Werner Schwarzhans ( ) Academic editor: Oliver Rauhut
© 2022 Werner Schwarzhans, Fumio Ohe, Yuki Tsuchiya, Atsushi Ujihara.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Schwarzhans W, Ohe F, Tsuchiya Y, Ujihara A (2022) Lanternfish otoliths (Myctophidae, Teleostei) from the Miocene of Japan. Zitteliana 96: 103-134.
Lanternfishes (Myctophidae) are one of the most common groups of fishes in the mesopelagic zone of the world ocean, and their otoliths have been dominant in pelagic sediments since at least Miocene times. Many species have a wide geographic distribution, with several being circumglobal. This wide distribution makes myctophid otoliths potentially useful for supraregional stratigraphic purposes. The Sea of Japan and the Northwest Pacific is an important region for investigations into the diversity and evolution of the Myctophidae. Here, we describe a large collection of myctophid otoliths from the late early to early middle Miocene (late Burdigalian to early Langhian) from six localities on western and central Honshu, which were under warm water influence during that time. A total of 22 species are recognized, of which eight are new. In the order in which they are described, the new species are Bolinichthys higashibesshoensis sp. nov., Ceratoscopelus brevis sp. nov., Lampadena exima sp. nov., Lampanyctus lenticularis sp. nov., Lampanyctus tsuyamaensis sp. nov., Stenobrachius ohashii sp. nov., Diaphus epipedus sp. nov., and Diaphus watatsumi sp. nov. At least nine species are also known from coeval sediments outside of Japan, most notably New Zealand and Europe. This distribution reflects the extraordinary geographic spread of myctophid species already in the early Miocene and indicates the potential for their future use for biostratigraphic purposes. The paleoecological and paleobiogeographical implications of the studied myctophid otolith assemblages are discussed. Furthermore, the stratigraphic ranges of the observed species are discussed and compared with data from other regions of the world in an attempt to outline the potential future application of myctophid otoliths for supraregional biostratigraphic purposes.
North Pacific, Diaphus, biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography, Honshu, new species
During the late early and middle Miocene, much of Japan was submerged under the seas of the Northwest Pacific (
We recognize 22 myctophid species in this collection, of which eight are new to science and five remain in open nomenclature. At least nine species are also known from coeval sediments outside of Japan, most notably New Zealand and Europe, which reflects the extraordinary geographic spread of these species.
The otoliths were obtained from six localities, of which two are located in the western region of Honshu in Okayama Prefecture (Fig.
The distribution and abundance of the observed myctophid otoliths are summarized in Table
Distribution of myctophid species in the studied samples from the early to middle Miocene of Japan. Sequence from left to right corresponds to sequence of description of localities from southwest to northeast. Two specimens (Myctophum sp. and Diaphus sp.1) have been obtained form a location not covered in this study and will be described later by one of us (YT) and hence are not shown in this table.
Localities | Niimi | Tsuyama | Makino R. | Mizunami | Inabacho | Toyama | Toyama | Totals |
Diatome Zones | 3A | 3A–3B | (3A) | (4A) | (3A) | (2B–3A) | 3A–4A | |
Planktonic Foraminifer Zones | N8 | N8 upper | N8 lower | N8 upper | N8 lower | N8 lower | N8 upper | |
Myctophinae | ||||||||
Diogenichthys aguilerai | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Myctophum murbani | 20 | 1 | 21 | |||||
Protomyctophum ahunga | 158 | 2 | 160 | |||||
Lampanyctinae | ||||||||
Bolinichthys higashibesshoensis | 2 | 2 | ||||||
Ceratoscopelus brevis | 4 | 2 | 6 | |||||
Lampadena exima | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Lampanyctus lenticularis | 33 | 33 | ||||||
Lampanyctus profestus | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Lampanyctus tsuyamaensis | 18 | 18 | ||||||
Stenobrachius ohashii | 4 | 221 | 4 | 5 | 234 | |||
Taaningichthys sp. | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Diaphinae | ||||||||
Diaphus angulatus | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||||
Diaphus epipedus | 7 | 2 | 9 | |||||
Diaphus metopoclampoides | 6 | 2 | 4 | 12 | ||||
Diaphus watatsumi | 11 | 11 | ||||||
Diaphus biatlanticus | 5 | 2 | 7 | |||||
Diaphus cassidiformis | 20 | 60 | 80 | |||||
Diaphus hataii | 4 | 459 | 243 | 931 | 91 | 2 | 14 | 1744 |
Diaphus sp.2 | 2 | 2 | ||||||
Gymnoscopelinae | ||||||||
Notoscopelus kuboensis | 36 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 42 | |||
Totals | 8 | 982 | 243 | 961 | 93 | 66 | 34 | 2389 |
The studied myctophid otoliths stem from formations of late Burdigalian to early Langhian age, all within the planktonic foraminifer zone N8 and spanning the range of the northern Pacific diatom zones 2B to 4A of
Stratigraphic correlation chart of sampled intervals. The correlation follows the six locations in the described sequence from southwest to northeast. The chronostratigraphy follows the GTS2020 (
The stratigraphy of the Bihoku Group has been studied by, inter alia,
The stratigraphy of the Katsuta Group has been studied by, inter alia,
The Takakura Formation is mainly composed of mudstones in its lower part and alternating sandstones and mudstones in its upper part.
The stratigraphy of the Awa Group has been studied by, inter alia,
The Makino Formation is mainly composed of pebbly mudstones and more than 50 m thick (
The stratigraphy of the Ichishi Group has been studied by, inter alia,
The Katada Formation is mainly composed of sandstones and mudstones, with mudstones being predominant at the sampling locality. This formation is approximately 250 m thick (
The stratigraphic classification of the Mizunami Group was established by
The Oidawara Formation is subdivided into the Nataki Member, from which the otoliths were collected, and the Oidawara Member (
Many stratigraphic studies have been conducted on the Yatsuo Group since the original work of
The Kurosedani Formation consists of conglomerates alternating with sandstones and mudstones (
The Kurosedani and Higashibessho formations are rich in fossils, such as molluscs (e.g.,
The otoliths were photographed with a Canon EOS 1000D mounted on a Wild M400 photomacroscope; the camera was remotely controlled and the photographs captured from a computer. Individual images of every view of the objects taken at ranges of field of depths were stacked using Heliconsoft’s Heliconfocus software. Adjustment of exposure and contrast and retouching were performed in Adobe Photoshop where necessary in order to improve the images without altering any morphological features.
The morphological terminology follows that established by
Depository: All type-specimens and figured specimens are deposited in the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under the registry SMF PO. 101.112–149.
The classification of the Myctophidae follows
Division Teleostei Müller, 1846
Order Myctophiformes Regan, 1911
Family Myctophidae Gill, 1893
Subfamily Myctophinae Fowler, 1925 (sensu
2013b Diogenichthys aguilerai – Schwarzhans: pl. 2, figs 4–5.
2019 Diogenichthys aguilerai Schwarzhans, 2013 – Schwarzhans: fig. 50.12.
2021 Diogenichthys aguilerai Schwarzhans, 2013 – Schwarzhans and Nielsen: fig. 7a–d.
A single specimen (SMF PO 101.112) from Miya River at Oda, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B, Takakura FM, level MS 04.5.
Diogenichthys aguilerai is an unspectacular and small high-bodied myctophid otolith with a ratio OL:OH of 0.95–1.05. Its ventral rim is regularly curved and smooth; the dorsal rim is highest slightly behind its middle. Rostrum, excisura, and antirostrum are all small. The inner face is flat, and the outer face is distinctly convex and smooth. The narrow sulcus exhibits a slightly longer ostium than cauda, with the latter being underlain by a very long, anteriorly extended pseudocolliculum.
Diogenichthys aguilerai
was apparently widespread during the early Miocene (Aquitanian and Burdigalian) but usually not common, with the exception of a recent find in the late Burdigalian of Chile (
A–C: Diogenichthys aguilerai Schwarzhans, 2013, SMF PO 101.112, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 04.5; D–L: Myctophum murbani (Weinfurter, 1952); D–I, K–L; SMF PO 101.113, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, levels MS 15, MS 27, MS 52, h, J) SMF PO 101.114 Mizunami City, Oidawara Formation; M–O: Myctophum sp., col. Tsuchiya, Ichishi Group; P–Z: Protomyctophum ahunga Schwarzhans, 2019, SMF PO 101.115, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, levels MS 15, MS 22, MS 36, h.
1952 Scopelus tenuis murbani – Weinfurter: pl. 2, figs 1, 2.
1976 Myctophum sp. – Takahashi: pl. 17, fig. 4.
1994 Hygophum murbani (Weinfurter, 1952) – Brzobohatý: pl. 2, figs 10–15.
2013 Myctophum murbani (Weinfurter, 1952) – Schwarzhans and Aguilera: pl. 4, figs 5–8 (see there for further synonymies).
21 specimens: 20 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.113), Miya River at Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 07, MS 15, MS 27, MS 36, MS 52, MS 70, MS 80, d, gh and h, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 1 specimen, SMF PO 101.114, Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A.
Delicate, moderately large otoliths reaching up to 3.2 mm length (Fig.
Inner face distinctly convex, smooth, with distinctly supramedian, long, narrow sulcus. OL:SuL = 1.2; OCL:CCL = 1.9–2.5. Dorsal margin of ostium slightly oscillating; cauda slightly bent upwards, with angular upper-posterior termination. Caudal colliculum narrower than ostial colliculum but of equal width when incorporating underlying pseudocolliculum. Dorsal depression shallow, indistinct; ventral furrow indistinct, far from ventral rim of otolith. Outer face flat to slightly convex, less than inner face, with short radial furrows near rims and smooth central portion.
Myctophum murbani
belongs to a group of Myctophum species with oval otoliths that usually also show a strong marginal ornamentation. This group contains the extant species M. lychnobium Bolin, 1946, M. obtusirostre Tåning, 1928, M. orientale (Gilbert, 1913), and M. spinosum (Steindachner, 1867) (see
An additional, relatively large Myctophum species of about 3.5 mm in length is observed in the Ichishi Group and will be described separately by one of us (YT). It is characterized by a regularly rounded outline and a relatively long rostrum.
2019 Protomyctophum ahunga – Schwarzhans: figs 51.1–5.
2021 Protomyctophum ahunga Schwarzhans, 2019 – Schwarzhans and Nielsen: fig. 7i–m.
160 specimens: 158 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.115), Miya River at Oda and Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 06, MS 07, MS 15, MS 22, MS 27, MS 36, MS 52, MS 70, MS 80, MS 90, b, d, f9, f10, f40, g, gh, h and j, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 2 specimens, Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 20, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
For a detailed description, see
Subfamily Lampanyctinae Paxton, 1972
Named after the type formation Higashibessho FM.
SMF PO 101.116 (Fig.
One specimen, SMF PO 101.149, same location as holotype, level H 21.
OL:OH = 1.25. Ventral rim shallow with 4 denticles anteriorly; dorsal rim shallow, smooth. Rostrum inferior, long, rounded, distinctly longer than antirostrum, 18% of OL. OCL:CCL = 1.85. Inner face flat; outer face convex, smooth.
A well preserved and very typical otolith with rounded parallelogram-like outline of 1.8 mm length. OH:OT = 4.0. Ventral rim shallow, anteriorly pronounced and there with 4 broad, rounded denticles; dorsal rim shallow, smooth, with distinct, rounded postdorsal angle at junction with oblique, smooth posterior rim. Rostrum very broad, inferior, with rounded tip, distinctly longer than antirostrum. Antirostrum far dorsally shifted, short, pointed; excisura relatively deep, angular.
Inner face completely flat, with more or less centrally positioned, narrow and relatively shallow sulcus. Ostium nearly twice as long as cauda (OCL:CCL = 1.85). Dorsal margin of ostium straight, oriented slightly upward towards anterior; ventral margin of ostium distinctly concave and curved. Cauda slightly upward oriented; its pseudocolliculum extending forward beyond caudal colliculum. Ventral furrow weak, close to ventral rim of otolith. Dorsal depression large with indistinct boundary except towards sulcus with distinct crista superior. Outer face moderately convex, entirely smooth.
Bolinichthys higashibesshoensis
is a typical species of the genus and cannot be confused with any of the few fossil species of the genus: the late Miocene B. italicus (Anfossi & Mosna, 1971) is characterized by a pointed rostrum and the lack of an excisura; B. kreffti Schwarzhans, 1986 from the early Pliocene differs in its outline and the more undulating and extended nature of the ventral rim and also shows a straight ostium. Both species have been found in sediments along the Mediterranean, and B. higashibesshoensis hence represents the only fossil species from the Pacific. Bolinichthys higashibesshoensis resembles extant otoliths of the genus but is more compressed than most of them, with the exceptions of B. distofax Johnson, 1975 (Fig.
A–D: Bolinichthys higashibesshoensis sp. nov., holotype, SMF PO 101.116, Fuchu machi, Toyama City, Higashibessho Formation, level H 20; E: Bolinichthys distofax Johnson, 1975, coll. Schwarzhans, Recent, Walter Herwig R/V, station 459-71; F–M: Ceratoscopelus brevis sp. nov., Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation; J–M: holotype, SMF PO 101.117, level MS 15; F–I: paratypes, SMF PO 101.118, levels MS 7, MS 52; N–Q: Lampadena exima sp. nov., holotype, SMF PO 101.119, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 36; R–U: Lampadena speculigera Goode & Bean, 1896, Recent; R: coll. Schwarzhans, Walter Herwig R/V, 38°S, 54°W; S: MCZ 169474; T–U: MCZ 96917; V–X: Taaningichthys sp., SMF PO 101.120, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 27.
From brevis (Latin) = short, referring to the compressed shape of the otoliths.
SMF PO 101.117 (Fig.
3 specimens (SMF PO 101.118), same location as holotype, levels MS 07, MS 22, MS 52.
2 poorly preserved specimens from Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 21 may also represent this species and are tentatively assigned.
OL:OH = 1.25–1.35. Rostrum moderately long with rounded tip, 18–22% of OL. Dorsal, posterior and ventral rims all continuously curved. OCL:CCL = 1.8–2.5. Outer face with radial furrows close to rims and smooth, slightly bulged central region set off by circular furrow.
Small, delicate otoliths reaching about 2.25 mm in length (holotype 1.8 mm). OH:OT = 3.6–3.8. Dorsal rim gently curving without marked angles, continuously curving into rounded posterior and ventral rims around posterior reaches of otolith. Rostrum massive, broad, moderately long (18–22% of OL), with rounded tip; no or minute antirostrum and excisura. All rims slightly undulating.
Inner face nearly flat, with long, distinctly supramedian, shallow positioned sulcus; OL:SuL = 1.25. Ostium about twice as long as cauda (OCL:CCL = 1.8–2.5), straight and slightly wider. Caudal colliculum oval, underlain by slightly anteriorly shifted pseudocolliculum. Ventral furrow variable in expression and position; dorsal depression narrow, indistinct except towards crista superior. Outer face slightly convex with radial furrows along rims and characteristic smooth central area set off from rest of outer face by distinct circular furrow.
Otoliths of C. brevis are typical of those of Ceratoscopelus otoliths with the flat inner face and the long rostrum paired with minute antirostrum and excisura. Ceratoscopelus brevis differs from the three extant species by being more compressed and the regularly curving and undulating rims and characteristic aspect of the outer face. Its proportions are similar to those of the earlier C. richardsoni Schwarzhans, 2019 from New Zealand but differ in the very regularly curving posterior rim section of the otolith (vs. presence of a distinct obtuse postdorsal angle). An otolith found in situ and described as C. miocenicus Bedini, Francalacci & Landini, 1986 from the late Miocene of Italy is even more compressed and shows a pointed rostrum. Otoliths described as Ceratoscopelus sp. from the late Burdigalian of Chile (
2012 Lampadena sp. – Brzobohatý & Stranik: fig. 7.11.
2015 Lampadena aff. speculigeroides Brzobohatý & Nolf, 1996 – Lin et al.: fig. 2.21.
From eximus (Latin) = excellent, exemplary, referring to the good preservation and clear allocation of the type specimen.
SMF PO 101.119 (Fig.
(based on holotype and measurements taken from photograph of
(based on holotype and measurements taken from photograph of
Otolith flat, almost not bent along axis, resulting in nearly flat inner and outer faces. Sulcus large, wide, distinctly supramedian, reaching close to posterior rim of otolith; OL:SuL = 1.1–1.2. Ostium longer and wider than cauda, slightly inclined upwards towards anterior, with ostial colliculum opening towards anterior otolith rim. Cauda short, slightly inclined upwards towards posterior. Caudal colliculum small, OCL:CCL = 1.7–1.8. Caudal pseudocolliculum longer than caudal colliculum and extending forward further than caudal colliculum. Ventral furrow distinct, positioned distant from ventral rim; dorsal depression weak, poorly defined and small. Outer face smooth with few faint, very wide radial depressions along ventral rim.
Lampadena exima
more closely resembles the extant L. speculigera Goode & Bean, 1896 than the coeval L. speculigeroides Brzobohatý & Nolf, 1996 from the Paratethys. It differs from L. speculigera (Fig.
Otoliths of Lampadena are among the most diverse in the myctophid genera and are relatively easy to identify. The ease with which they can be identified makes them potentially valuable for biostratigraphic purposes, but unfortunately they are also usually very rare. In any case, it is interesting to note that specimens described by
From lenticularis (Latin) = lens-shaped, referring to the regular outline and small size of the otoliths.
SMF PO 101.121 (Fig.
8 specimens (SMF PO 101.122); same data as holotype, levels f9, g, h, j.
24 specimens; same data as holotype, levels MS 15, MS 36, MS 52, MS 70, d, f9, f40, g, gh, h, j.
Small, roundish otoliths; maximal size 1.7 mm; OL:OH = 1.05–1.15. All rims regularly curving without prominent angles. Rostrum short, slightly longer than antirostrum; excisura small. OCL:CCL = 1.3–1.6.
Small, relatively thin and nearly perfectly round otoliths with smooth rims without angles up to about 1.7 mm in length (holotype 1.55 mm). Rostrum short, rounded, only slightly longer than minute antirostrum, 7–15% of OL. Excisura small.
Inner face nearly flat and smooth, with slightly supramedian positioned, relatively narrow, shallow and straight sulcus. Ostium slightly longer and wider than cauda (OCL:CCL = 1.3–1.6). Ostial and caudal colliculi well marked but caudal pseudocolliculum often very narrow and sometimes indistinct. Ventral furrow closely following ventral rim of otolith; dorsal depression wide, but usually indistinct. Outer face slightly more convex than inner face, smooth.
The otoliths of most Lampanyctus species are small and unspectacular with smooth rims and hence can be easily confused with eroded juvenile otoliths of other myctophids, for instance those of Diaphus. It is therefore important to ensure that one is dealing with a sufficient number of well-preserved specimens before attempting a taxonomic classification of Lampanyctus otoliths. This is the case here. Even in light of the unspectacular nature of Lampanyctus otoliths, those of L. lenticularis stand out as particularly poor in traits. Lampanyctus lenticularis differs from the coeval L. profestus Schwarzhans, 2019 in the regularly rounded dorsal rim (vs. shallow) and the ostial colliculum being relatively little longer than the caudal colliculum (OCL:CCL = 1.3–1.6 vs. 2.0–2.5).
A–J: Lampanyctus lenticularis sp. nov., Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation; B–D: holotype, SMF PO 101.121, level h; A, E–J: paratypes, SMF PO 101.122, levels f, g, h, j; K–M: Lampanyctus profestus Schwarzhans, 2019, SMF PO 101.123, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 36; N–V: Lampanyctus tsuyamaensis sp. nov., Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation; N–P: holotype, SMF PO 101.124, level MS 15; Q–V: paratypes, SMF PO 101.125, levels MS 15, MS 36, MS 90; W–AJ: Stenobrachius ohashii sp. nov.; W–Y: holotype, SMF PO 101.126, Yatsuo machi, Toyama City, Kurosedani Formation, level K 5; Z–AB, AF–AJ: paratypes, SMF PO 101.127, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, levels MS 15, MS 70; AC–AD: paratype, SMF PO 101.128, Niimi City, Bihoku Group; AE: paratype, SMF PO 101.129, Fuchu machi, Toyama City, Higashibessho Formation, level H 21; AK–AM: Stenobrachius leucopsarus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890), Recent, coll. Schwarzhans, leg. Fitch, off California; AN–AO: Stenobrachius nannochir (Gilbert, 1890), Recent, NSMT-P.63309, 36°28'N, 141°10'E.
2019 Lampanyctus profestus – Schwarzhans: figs 54.5–9.
2021 Lampanyctus profestus Schwarzhans, 2019 – Schwarzhans and Nielsen: fig. 8g.
1 specimen (SMF PO 101.123); Miya River at Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, level MS 36, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B.
A single otolith from the Takakura Formation differs from the much more common L. lenticularis described above in the shallower, depressed dorsal rim; the much smaller caudal colliculum expressed in the ratio OCL:CCL of 2.35; and a nearly completely flat inner face. The OL:OH (1.1) and OCL:CCL (2.35) ratios are well within the range of diversity observed in the type specimens from the early Miocene of New Zealand (OL:OH = 1.1–1.25; OCL:CCL = 2.0–2.5). The species has recently also been identified from the Burdigalian of Chile (
Named after Tsuyama City, the type-locality, Okayama Prefecture in western Honshu, Japan.
SMF PO 101.124 (Fig.
6 specimens (SMF PO 101.125); same data as holotype, levels MS 15, MS 36, MS 90.
11 specimens; same data as holotype, levels MS 15, MS 27, MS 36, f40.
OL:OH = 0.85–0.92. Ventral rim deeply curving, deepest anterior of its middle. Anterior rim slightly inclined, almost straight from broad, inferior rostrum to predorsal angle with minute excisura and antirostrum. Inner face flat, outer face convex, smooth. OCL:CCL = 1.2–1.5.
A small, very high-bodied, robust and thick otolith reaching about 1.5 mm in length (holotype); OH:OT = 3.4–3.7. Ventral rim deeply curving, deepest anterior of its middle, curving backwards into a steeply rounded posterior rim. Dorsal rim relatively shallow and nearly flat with distinct postdorsal angle at junction with posterior rim, somewhat irregular. Anterior rim steeply inclined at 75–85° (with sulcus oriented horizontal), nearly straight from distinct, rounded and inferior rostrum to minute antirostrum and predorsal angle at junction with anterior rim. Excisura minute. All rims smooth.
Inner face completely flat, with long, relatively wide, straight, shallow and slightly supramedian positioned sulcus. Ostial colliculum shallow, slightly longer and distinctly wider than caudal colliculum (OCL:CCL = 1.2–1.5; OCH:CCH = 1.25–1.5). Caudal pseudocolliculum as long as caudal colliculum. Ventral furrow distinct, positioned far from ventral rim of otolith. Dorsal depression wide, occupying almost entire dorsal field, but with indistinct margins. Outer face distinctly convex, smooth.
Lampanyctus tsuyamaensis
resembles L. popoto Schwarzhans, 2019 from the early Miocene of New Zealand and L. latesulcatus Nolf & Steurbaut, 1983 from the late Miocene of Italy but can be readily distinguished from both species by the more high-bodied shape, which is also expressed in the OL:OH ratio of 0.85–0.92 (vs. 0.95–1.05 and > 1.0, respectively). Another distinctive character is the straight, inclined anterior rim and the asymmetrical ventral rim. The known otoliths of extant species of Lampanyctus are usually also less high-bodied, with the exceptions of L. lepidolychnus Becker, 1967 and L. macdonaldi (Goode & Bean, 1896). Otoliths of L. lepidolychnus (see
Named in honor of Fumitaka Ohashi (Aichi Prefecture, Japan) who collected and donated a large part of the studied otoliths and has undertaken an original thesis on the fossil contents of many of the locations covered in this study.
SMF PO 101.126 (Fig.
6 specimens: 6 specimens: 1 specimen (SMF PO 101.128), near Tesseicho Hattori, Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, Bihoku Group, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 4 specimens (SMF PO 101.127), Miya River at Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 15, MS 70, h, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 1 specimen (SMF PO 101.129), Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 21, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
227 specimens: 3 specimens, Near Tesseicho Hattori, Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, Bihoku Group; 217 specimens, Miya River at Oda and Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 04.5, MS 05, MS 05.5, MS 06, MS 15, MS 22, MS 27, MS 36, MS 52, MS 70, MS 80, MS 90, c, d, f9, f10, f40, g, gh, h, j; 3 specimens, Kubusu River at Kashio, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Kurosedani FM, level K 5; 4 specimens, Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 21.
OL:OH = 1.0–1.15. Rostrum long, massive, with more or less rounded tip, 17–25% of OL. Excisura and antirostrum distinct. Ostium slightly longer than cauda, OCL:CCL = 1.2–1.7. Caudal pseudocolliculum distinct, as long as caudal colliculum or longer. Inner face flat; outer face convex, smooth.
A small, roundish, and moderately thick otolith reaching about 2.1 mm in length (holotype); OH:OT = 3.5–4.0. Ventral rim deeply curving, deepest at or anterior of its middle. Dorsal rim relatively shallow, somewhat irregular with distinct postdorsal angle near junction with posterior rim. Anterior rim with long, massive rostrum with usually rounded tip, 17–25% of OL. Antirostrum distinct, about half the length of rostrum. Excisura deep, usually sharp. Posterior rim variably rounded. All rims smooth.
Inner face completely flat, with moderately long, relatively narrow, straight, shallow and nearly axial positioned sulcus. Ostial colliculum shallow, slightly longer and wider than caudal colliculum (OCL:CCL = 1.2–1.7). Ventral margin of ostial colliculum sometimes flexed anteriorly. Caudal pseudocolliculum distinct, as long as caudal colliculum or anteriorly projecting. Ventral furrow distinct, positioned moderately far from ventral rim of otolith. Dorsal depression wide, occupying almost entire dorsal field, but with indistinct margins. Outer face distinctly convex, smooth.
The genus Stenobrachius is today known from two species in the North Pacific: S. leucopsarus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890 (Fig. 7AK–AM) and S. nannochir (Gilbert, 1890) (Fig. 7AN–AO). The fossil S. ohashii differs from the otoliths of the extant S. leucopsarus in the more regularly rounded ventral and posterior rims, the deeper excisura and sharper antirostrum, and the comparatively longer ostium (OCL:CCL = 1.2–1.7 vs. 1.05–1.3). It differs from the second extant species, S. nannochir, in the longer rostrum (vs. rostrum about as long as antirostrum) and the presence of a more or less strongly developed postdorsal angle. Stenobrachius otoliths are also quite similar to certain Lampanyctus otoliths such as those of the extant L. lepidolychnus or the fossil L. tsuyamaensis described above. A consistent difference seems to be that the caudal pseudocolliculum is not reduced in length or expression in Stenobrachius as it is in most Lampanyctus species.
1 specimen (SMF PO 101.120), Miya River at Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, level MS 27, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B.
A single relatively small and slightly eroded otolith of 1.7 mm in length is interpreted as representing an unknown species of the genus Taaningichthys and is characterized by a relatively elongate shape (OL:OH = 1.4), a regularly curving ventral rim, a nearly flat dorsal rim, a distinct rostrum and a dorsally shifted posterior tip, and a flat inner face, with a supramedian sulcus with a long ostium and a short cauda (OCL:CCL = 2.0).
Subfamily Diaphinae Paxton, 1972 (sensu
Diaphus theta
Otolith Group after
1973 Diaphus angulatus – Ohe & Araki: pl. 49, figs 1–2, 20–21.
2 specimens; 1 specimen (SMF PO 101.130) Nagano River at Inabacho, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, Katada FM, level I 2, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8; 1 small, tentatively assigned specimen (SMF PO 101.131), Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 20, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
Diaphus angulatus
was described based on a single incomplete specimen from the Yakuoji Formation, a partial lateral equivalent of the Katada Formation (see
(emended). OL:OH = 1.2–1.3. Ventral rim regularly curved with 6 denticles of variable strength. Rostrum long, massive; antirostrum and excisura small. Dorsal rim with prominent postdorsal angle; predorsal portion depressed. Inner face flat. Caudal colliculum shorter and much narrower than ostial colliculum (OCL:CCL = 1.5–1.8; OCH:CCH = 1.6–1.8).
(emended). Large, thin otoliths reaching at least 5.5 mm in length (holotype recorded by
Inner face flat with distinctly supramedian sulcus. Ostial colliculum about twice as long and wide as caudal colliculum; caudal pseudocolliculum long and distinct. Dorsal margin of ostium straight; cauda slightly bent upwards. Ventral furrow distinct, moderately close to ventral rim of otolith; dorsal depression large, rather deep but with indistinct margins except for crista superior towards sulcus. Outer face slightly convex with shallow postcentral umbo, smooth.
A typical and rather large otolith-based species of the Diaphus theta Otolith Group that resembles the coeval D. haereticus (Brzobohatý & Schultz, 1978) but differs in the far more backward positioned postdorsal angle and the much narrower caudal colliculum. In the latter aspect, it resembles D. audax Schwarzhans, 2019 from the early Miocene of New Zealand and Chile but again differs in the distinctly further backward positioned postdorsal angle and the complete lack of a postdorsal concavity.
A–F: Diaphus angulatus Ohe & Araki, 1973; A–C: SMF PO 101.130, Inabacho, Tsu City, Katada Formation, level ML 2305; D–E: SMF PO 101.131, Fuchu machi, Toyama City, Higashibessho Formation, level H 20; G–N: Diaphus epipedus sp. nov.; G–I: holotype, SMF PO 101.132, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 15; K–J: paratype, SMF PO 101.133, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, level MS 15; L–N: paratype, SMF PO 101.134, Yatsuo, Toyama City, Higashibessho Formation, level H 21; O–T: Diaphus metopoclampoides Steurbaut, 1983, SMF PO 101.135, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation level MS 06, f; U–AB: Diaphus watatsumi sp. nov., Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation; U–X: holotype, SMF PO 101.136, level MS 52; Y–AB: paratypes, SMF PO 101.137, levels gh, j; AC–AE: Diaphus sp.1, col. Tsuchiya, Ichishi Group.
From epipedos (Greek) = flat, referring to the relatively shallow ventral rim, the main distinguishing character from D. metopoclampoides.
SMF PO 101.132 (Fig.
8 specimens; 6 specimens (SMF PO 101.133), same data as holotype, levels MS 15, MS 27, MS 90, j; 2 specimens (SMF PO 101.134), Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 21, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
OL:OH = 1.2–1.25. Shape rounded triangular with relatively shallow ventral rim, inferior rostrum and posterior tip and broad mediodorsal bulge. Antirostrum and excisura minute. Ventral rim with 7–9 denticles. Postdorsal rim broadly concave. OCL:CCL = 1.5–1.7.
Otoliths with rounded triangular outline, relatively robust, up to 2.8 mm in length (holotype 2.5 mm); OH:OT = 3.4–3.7. Rostrum far inferior, relatively short and pointed, 10–12% of OL. Antirostrum and excisura minute. Dorsal rim with broad, rounded, pronounced mediodorsal bulge, anteriorly steeply inclined, posteriorly inclined with long depressed or concave section. Ventral rim rather shallow, regularly curved, with 7–9 medium strong denticles. Posterior rim curved, slightly projecting behind termination of cauda, its tip centrally or inframedian.
Inner face relatively flat, only slightly bent in horizontal direction. Sulcus terminating relatively far from posterior rim of otolith, straight, narrow. Ostial colliculum distinctly longer than caudal colliculum (OCL:CCL = 1.5–1.7) but only slightly wider (OCH:CCH = 1.2–1.4). Caudal pseudocolliculum distinct, about as long as caudal colliculum. Ventral furrow indistinct, sometimes not discernable, relatively close to ventral rim of otolith; dorsal depression small, ventrally marked by short crista superior. Outer face moderately convex throughout without distinct umbo, with distinct excisural furrow and few other weak and short radial furrows.
Diaphus epipedus is an easily recognizable otolith that shares many features, such as the shape of the dorsal rim and the robust appearance without distinct umbo on the outer face, with D. metopoclampoides (see below) but differs in the shallow ventral rim, which results in a higher ratio OL:OH of 1.2–1.25 (vs. 1.05–1.1); the relatively long ostium (OCL:CCL = 1.5–1.7 vs. 1.1–1.4); and the narrower sulcus.
1983 Diaphus metopoclampoides – Steurbaut: pl. 1, figs 22–28.
1984 Diaphus metopoclampoides Steurbaut, 1983 – Steurbaut: pl. 7, fig. 23.
2000 Diaphus metopoclampoides Steurbaut, 1983 – Brzobohatý & Nolf: pl. 4, figs 7–14.
2010 Diaphus metopoclampoides Steurbaut, 1983 – Schwarzhans: pl. 15, fig. 7.
12 specimens; 6 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.135), Miya River at Oda and Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 06, f40, gh, j, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 2 specimens, Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A; 4 specimens, Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
A very characteristic but relatively rare otolith putatively related to D. epipedus (see above for distinction) that has thus far only been recorded from the late Burdigalian to Langhian of Europe (stratigraphically younger references in
Diaphus splendidus
Otolith Group after
Named after Watatsumi, a Shinto spirit of the sea in Japanese.
SMF PO 101.136 (Fig.
3 specimens (SMF PO 101.137), same data as holotype, levels gh, h, j.
7 specimens, same data as holotype, levels MS 15, MS 22, MS 27, MS 36, MS 70, f9, j.
OL:OH = 1.35–1.45; OH:OT = 3.8–4.5. Dorsal rim with distinct postdorsal angle above central position of cauda, slightly concave postdorsal section and depressed predorsal section. Rostrum moderately long, 16–18% of OL. Ventral rim with 13–15 feeble denticles. Sulcus long, relatively narrow, slightly bent; OCL:CCL = 2.0.
Slender, thin and relatively large otoliths reaching about 4.1 mm in length (holotype 3.8 mm). Rostrum moderately long and pointed; excisura mostly shallow and narrow, antirostrum much shorter than rostrum. Dorsal rim anteriorly depressed, ascending to distinct postdorsal angle positioned relatively forward above center of cauda; postdorsal section inclined, slightly concave. Ventral rim rather shallow and very regularly bent, with 13–15 feeble denticles which erode easily and are rarely completely preserved like in holotype. Posterior rim gently and regularly curved, slightly crenulated.
Inner face slightly bent in horizontal direction, relatively smooth, with long, slightly supramedian and slightly bent, shallow sulcus. Ostium about as wide as cauda but twice as long. Ostial colliculum only slightly wider than caudal colliculum (OCH:CCH = 1.1–1.3). Caudal pseudocolliculum distinct, long, fine. Dorsal margin of ostium slightly oscillating. Ventral furrow very indistinct; dorsal depression large, well marked towards crista superior. Outer face nearly flat except slightly thickened central and postcentral region, with numerous rapidly fading radial furrows on dorsal and ventral fields.
Diaphus watatsumi
is superficially an inconspicuous Diaphus otolith but can be relatively easily identified by its proportions and the shape and number of delicate denticles along the ventral rim. It resembles D. marwicki (Frost, 1933), a common species in the early and middle Miocene of the southern Pacific in New Zealand and Chile (see
An additional relatively large Diaphus species of about 6.0 mm in length is observed in the Ichishi Group and will be described separately by one of us (YT). It also belongs to the Diaphus splendidus otolith group and is characterized by a relatively long and sharp rostrum, a high postdorsal angle, and the lack of a postdorsal concavity.
Diaphus garmani
Otolith Group after
1959 Nyctophus biatlanticus – Weiler: figs 9, 10.
2013 Diaphus biatlanticus (Weiler, 1959) – Schwarzhans and Aguilera: pl. 11, figs 1–8 (see there for further synonymies).
7 specimens; 5 specimens (figured specimen SMF PO 101.145), Miya River at Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 27, MS 52, h, late Burdigalian, diatom zones 3A–3B; 2 specimens (SMF OP 101.144), Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A.
Diaphus biatlanticus has thus far only been reported from the early to middle Miocene of tropical America (Trinidad and Venezuela). Its otoliths are characterized by a very regular oval outline, a short rostrum, a short antirostrum and a minute excisura, a relatively long ostium compared to the cauda (OCL:CCL = 2.0–2.4), and a convex inner face combined with a flat to slightly concave outer face. The rare occurrence of the species in the middle Miocene of Japan indicates that it had a much wider geographical distribution than previously believed.
1933 Scopelus cassidiformis – Frost: figs 17, 18.
1980 Diaphus cassidiformis (Frost, 1933) – Schwarzhans: figs 176–177, 597.
1992 Diaphus sp. 6 – Radwanska: pl. 4, figs 1–3, textfig. 33.
2013b Diaphus cassidiformis (Frost, 1933) – Schwarzhans: pl. 4, figs 4–7.
2019 Diaphus cassidiformis (Frost, 1933) – Schwarzhans: figs 58.8–10.
80 specimens; 20 specimens, Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A; 60 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.138), Kubusu River at Kashio, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Kurosednai FM, level K 5, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8.
Diaphus cassidiformis
is easily recognized by its small, round otoliths. It was widely geographically distributed during the middle Miocene from New Zealand to Gabon (West Africa) and is now also recorded from Japan. It is also here interpreted to be present in the Paratethys based on an ongoing review of the myctophid otoliths originally described by
A–I: Diaphus cassidiformis (Frost, 1933), SMF PO 101.138, Yatsuo, Toyama City, Kurosedani Formation, level K 5; J–AC: Diaphus hataii Ohe & Araki, 1973; J–L: SMF PO 101.139, Mizunami City, Oidawara Formation; M–N, Q–V: SMF PO 101.140, Tsuyama City, Takakura Formation, levels MS 06, MS 07, MS 52, MS 90; O–P: SMF PO 101.141, Fuchu machi, Toyama City, Higashibessho Formation, level H 20; W–AA: SMF PO 101.142, Makino River, Iga City, Makino Formation, level A 1; AB–AC: SMF PO 101.143, Inabacho, Tsu City, Katada Formation, level ML 2305; AD–AG: Diaphus biatlanticus (Weiler, 1959); AD–AF: SMF PO 101.144, Mizunami City, Oidawara Formation; AG: SMF PO 101.145, Tsuyama, Takakura Formation, level h; AH–AJ: Diaphus sp.2, SMF PO 101.146, Mizunami City, Oidawara Formation.
1973 Diaphus hataii – Ohe & Araki: pl. 49, figs 3, 4.
1976 Diaphus sp. – Takahashi: pl. 17, fig. 5.
1980 Diaphus hataii Ohe & Araki, 1973 – Ohe and Yamaoka: figs 7(?) 8–13.
1980 Diaphus sp. – Ohe & Yamaoka: fig. 14.
2000 Diaphus regani Tåning, 1932 – Brzobohatý & Nolf: pl. 3, figs 15–20.
2013 Diaphus hataii Ohe & Araki, 1973 – Schwarzhans and Aguilera, pl. 10, figs 9–16, 17(?) (see there for further synonymies).
1744 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.139-143): 4 specimens near Tessicho Hattori, Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, Bihoku Group, late Burdigalian, diatom tone 3A–3B; 459 specimens, Miya River at Oda and Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 04.5, MS 05, MS 05.5, MS 06, MS 07, MS 15, MS 22, MS 27, MS 36, MS 52, MS 70, MS 80, MS 90, b, c, d, f9, f10, f40, g, gh, h, j, early Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 243 specimens, Makino River SW of Mashino, Iga City, Mie Prefecture, Makino FM, levels A 1, A 2, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8; 91 specimens, Nagano River at Inabacho, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, Katada FM, levels I 1, I 2, OA1409, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8; 931 specimens, Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A; 2 specimens, Kubusu River at Kashio, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Kurosedani FM, level K 5, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8; 14 specimens, Yamada River at Dojima and Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, levels H 14, H 20, H 21, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
Diaphus hataii
is by far the most common myctophid otolith-based species throughout the early and early middle Miocene (late Burdigalian and early Langhian) of Japan, and it represents about 73% of all myctophid otoliths studied here. It is characterized by a short rostrum, which is not or only a fraction longer than the antirostrum; a convex inner face; a ratio OL:OH of 1.20–1.35 (adjusted from
2 specimens (figured specimen SMF PO 101.146), Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A.
Two very compressed, nearly round otoliths differ from the common D. hataii in the low index OL:OH of 1.1 and the distinctly widened ostium. The specimens share with D. hataii the short rostrum, the number of denticles along the ventral rim (9), and the expanded predorsal lobe. It most likely represents a separate species, but more specimens will have to be obtained before a reliable diagnosis can be established.
Subfamily Gymnoscopelinae Paxton, 1972 (sensu
1973 Lampanyctus kuboensis – Ohe & Araki: pl. 49, figs 7–11.
1977 Lampanyctus sp. – Takahashi: pl. 25, fig. 4.
1981 Lampanyctus parvicauda Parr, 1931 – Ohe: pl. 3, fig. 12.
2019 Notoscopelus kuboensis (Ohe & Araki, 1973) – Schwarzhans and Ohe: fig. 13K–M.
40 specimens (figured specimens SMF PO 101.147-148): 36 specimens, Miya River at Oda and Numa, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Takakura FM, levels MS 04.5, MS 05, MS 05.5. MS 06, MS 15, MS 22, MS 27, MS 36, MS 70, MS 80, MS 90, f10, f40, gh, h, j, late Burdigalian, diatom zone 3A–3B; 1 specimen, Nagano River at Inabacho, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, Katada FM, level I 2, late Burdigalian, lower part of planktonic foraminifera biozone N8; 3 specimens Okuna, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Oidawara FM, early Langhian, diatom zone 4A; 2 specimens, Osedani, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Higashibessho FM, level H 20, late Burdigalian to early Langhian, diatom zone 3A–4A.
Notoscopelus kuboensis
is a wide-ranging species in the late early and middle Miocene to early Pleistocene of Japan and belongs to the lineage leading to the extant N. japonicus (Tanaka, 1908) (see
The late early and middle Miocene was a phase characterized by widespread transgression and submergence of the Japanese Archipelago. A paleogeographic reconstruction of Japan and its vicinity at 16 Ma (base Langhian) by
Diaphus hataii is a ubiquitous myctophid species in all locations and samples studied and is also the most common species throughout. It dominates the myctophid associations of the Oidawara Formation of Mizunami City, the Makino Formation of Iga City, and the Katada Formation at Inabacho of Tsu City. The paleoenvironment ranges from rather shallow water at Mizunami City to deep shelf and upper slope in Iga and Tsu cities. Diaphus hataii is essentially the only myctophid species at Iga, Tsu and Mizunami cities is associated with rare Diaphus cassidiformis. Elsewhere, D. hataii is also very common in the Higashibessho Formation and the Takakura Formation at Tsuyama City but is associated with a richer myctophid assemblage. Such rich myctophid assemblage is particularly obvious in the Takakura Formation, which commonly yields Stenobrachius ohashii, Protomyctophum ahunga and less common but still significant, species of Lampanyctus, Myctophum murbani, and Notoscopelus kuboensis. Thus, the Takakura Formation is the most myctophid species-rich location of the entire study. It should be noted, however, that the Takakura Formation has also yielded more myctophid specimens in total than all other locations, with the exception of Mizunami City (just under 1,000 specimens). More significant is the greater myctophid diversity observed in the Takakura Formation of Tsuyama City when compared with the rather uniform assemblage in the Oidawara Formation of Mizunami City.
Lanternfishes of the family Myctophidae belong to the most abundant and widespread high oceanic mesopelagic fishes (
Knowledge base of early to middle Miocene myctophid otoliths based on this work for Japan,
Regarding the fauna from the late Burdigalian to early Langhian of Japan described here, the most obvious correlation options in the absence of adequate data from northwestern America are across the equator to the South Pacific (i.e., New Zealand [
Correlation of myctophid species from the early and middle Miocene across three studied areas around the Pacific based on this work,
Myctophid otoliths are easy to recognize as such, although morphological differences between species are often subtle. The fact that they are largely composed of aragonite (like all other teleost otoliths) make them less resistant to diagenesis, leaching, and other syn- and post-depositional effects, but they are also not as easily affected by reworking, as is the case for many more robust constructed microfossils that are used for biostratigraphic purposes. In particular, the delicate denticles along the ventral rim of many myctophid otoliths are easily affected by even brief exposure to erosional abrasion. Therefore, otoliths have the benefit of being mostly autochthonous where preserved (see Carnevale and Schwarzhans 2022). This aspect, in combination with their abundance in pelagic sediments since at least the early Miocene, their diversity, and their often very wide geographical distribution make them potential candidates for biostratigraphic use. Of course, we are currently at the very early stages of using myctophid otoliths for this purpose, but an initial stratigraphic correlation between the Navidad Formation and its equivalents from Chile with the well-known myctophid assemblages of New Zealand has yielded promising results (
Diogenichthys aguilerai
In contrast, Myctophum murbani (Fig.
Protomyctophum ahunga
species are today few, very widely distributed, and common (
Otoliths of Lampadena are among the most morphologically diverse among the myctophids. They are also often relatively large, which makes identifying them relatively easy and would also make them good candidates for biostratigraphic purposes, as has been demonstrated by
Lampanyctus otoliths are often difficult to recognize and exhibit little morphological diversity. The Japanese collection described here is the richest in terms of otolith-based Lampanyctus species, but mostly lacks potential for comparison with other coeval associations. Future research should evaluate the biostratigraphic potential of Lampanyctus otoliths.
otoliths are often the most common in Neogene sediments, including the samples described here from Japan, and certainly represent the most taxonomically diverse group. Species are not always easy to distinguish, and identification usually depends on the presence of well-preserved specimens with intact denticles along the ventral rim (which erode easily). Their biostratigraphic usefulness has been postulated several times (e.g.,
Diaphus metopoclampoides
Diaphus cassidiformis
Diaphus hataii
The late Burdigalian to early Langhian sediments of western and central Honshu, Japan, have yielded a rich association of myctophid otoliths. This is the first sizeable assemblage so far reported from the Miocene of the North Pacific, with the exception of a study by
The study of Neogene myctophid otoliths has begun to yield a picture that seems very promising for a variety of future applications, not least the use of these otoliths as an additional tool for superregional biostratigraphy. Otoliths may be less common than planktonic foraminifera or nannoplankton, and they may also be less resistant to destruction by different causes, but they have the advantage of being usually autochthonous due to their vulnerability to erosion. However, much work will be required before a reliable biostratigraphic scheme can be established based on otoliths. Formulating such a scheme will require sampling many more regions of the world and performing detailed stratigraphic sampling. The present study does not really offer much more beyond a glimpse into their potential application. We hope that other researchers will be inspired by the potential of otoliths and thus pay attention to them while conducting their research.
We wish to thank most cordially F. Ohashi (Nagoya) for providing us with his large collection of fossil Miocene otoliths. Further we thank K. Nishimatsu (Nagoya) for fossil otoliths sampled by him.
This study would have been impossible without the support received from many colleagues over many years from many institutions. We are particularly thankful to: Mark McGrouther and John Paxton (AMS, Sydney), Oliver Crimmen and James Maclaine (BMNH, London), Hiromitsu Endo (BSKU, Kochi), David Catania (CAS, San Francisco), Christine Thacker (LACM, Los Angeles), Karsten Hartel and Andrew Williston (MCZ, Boston), Philippe Béarez (MNHN, Paris), Hsuang-Ching Ho (NMMBA, Pingtung, Taiwan), Carl Struthers (NMNZ, Wellington), Gento Shinohara (NSMT, Tokyo), Friedhelm Krupp (SMF, Frankfurt/Main), Ronald Fricke (SMNS, Stuttgart), Jeffrey Williams and David Smith (USNM, Washington D.C.), Gerald Allen and Sue Morrison (WAM, Perth), Alfred Post and Ralf Thiel (ZMH including former FBH and ISH, Hamburg), Ekaterina Vasilieva (ZMMGU, Moscow), Jørgen Nielsen and Peter Møller (ZMUC, Copenhagen). Finally, we thank Victor van Hinsbergh (Leiden) and Giorgio Carnevale (Torino) for their constructive reviews of our manuscript.